
Taking the initiative in Mac which I buys newly, I bought a monitor. I worried truly, as a result of worrying variously -- although it was high, Nanano S2031W decided on.
Although it was WSXGA+ (1680x1050) having problem about affinity with Video Card, when installing not "i810" installed as standard but the driver of "Intel", it was displayed satisfactorily on Xubuntu. WSXGA+ (1680x1050) can be displayed by using P4i65G+S2031W. Raw Therapee and Light Zone can be played by this. Recently, the edit software of the photograph of Linux worried me.




I came to new Sofmap. I felt the impression of a Sofmap tone I Bic camera.
Are the structural outline east Yodobashi Camera and west Bic Camera?

Akihabara Sofmap


I bought a mother board for first time in life. It is for replacing from noisy 1U PowerEdge.

P4i65G Mother Board