
I bought fluorescent lamps for the color evaluation.Because it was not goods in stock , I send for it. And, I chose the no-ultraviolet rays type.

fluorescent lamp


I went to the Mac Store in Store of BIC Camera.The Area is spacious like an Apple Store.I think that the customers of BIC Camera don't need this display style.

Mac Store

I came Akihabara after long time. Today's purpose is rechargeable batteries.Day by day, the capacity increase. I wonder what is the limit.

rechargeable batteries.


Supercard was Universal Binary when noticing. And, MacASP was development discontinuance in March. It is not possible to buy and I am regrettable though I thought that I buy it when Euro becomes cheap.


I have gone to the 15th anniversary of digital image 2006 exhibition.
My imagination is always driven to me by the exhibition of a digital image. It is one of the really interesting exhibitions.

Digital Imaging 2006
