2005/5/7 I came to Akihabara after lon time. This is the cross field building of topic. It seems that also Yodobashi-Camara will open. Because the keyboard which I now use is old, I bought the new keyboard. It was cheap for 3465 Yen. Next, I bought also the HDD external case of USB. That was 800 Yen. When replacing HDD of ibook, HDD which is left over was inserted in the HDD case. 2005/5/4 I went to Belgian Symbolism - Reality in the Abyss.There ware considerably works of my favor there. Because the Belgian beer fair had been held at arestaurant on the same floor, I asked for the beer. 2005/5/3 I installed Tiger. Especially, there is no trouble now. On the contrary, OS9 that had not started by 10.3.9 came to start. 2005/5/2 I also obtained Tiger belatedly today. To arrange data before Tiger was installed, I bought new HDD. Because the point of Yodobashi Camera had been used, the price was free. |