2004/7/30 I bought "Real Basic". I will chage CGI to "Real Basic" from "AppleScript" because "AppleScript" is too slow to build this site. 2004/7/25 Because I like the relations of Arthur, I went to "KING, ARTHUR. I was disappointed little bit about indifferent story deployment. 2004/7/24 I bought Desknet's of groupware. It is for collecting data to one place. 2004/7/17 I saw The Steam Boy. The story was not good but the pictures ware beautiful. 2004/7/10 I watched the movie, "Spider-man 2". I was happy because of they had a happy end. I thought that they became what on the way. 2004/7/7 I went to Big-Site in Tokyo, of course on bussiness.There were embeded OSes, security-system, databases and vibrant atmosphere. 2004/7/1 I went to see "Medallion". I was able to see that in the cut. I can't believe that Jacky is 50 years old. |